A message from the Editor
The New Year’s Eve celebration here in the Market Common, a Southern Times Square was a great event this year that brought out over 10,000 people and included a spectacular fireworks display. My daughter Megan took the aerial shot of the Market Common on New Year's Eve (see Events, A7); she captures the beauty and warmth of the wonderful community we have here.
We’d like to thank the Market Common for putting on such an enjoyable event—we’ve heard nothing but positive remarks from those who attended.
We’d also like to say a big thank you and a fond farewell to AC Bethea, who has created delicious recipes for us with unfailing dedication for many editions of the Insider. AC is moving to Charleston, and we wish her every success with her career and new pursuits.
She’ll be popping in to say hello from time to time, and even sharing her voice and creativity every now and again.
In lieu of her departure, we are pleased and proud to introduce you to Emma Ware. Emma is a nutritionist, and a Market Common small business owner. Our local business section this month captures her story and illustrates the ways in which she serves our community. We are grateful that Emma has agreed to share her wisdom and straightforward, nutritious cooking secrets in our paper, with all our readers, on a monthly basis. Welcome Emma!
And speaking of creativity, that’s our theme for the Insider this month. Art and creative endeavors foster the growth of communities—when people come together and work in partnership to create, whether it be a business, a painting, or a different outcome, relationships are formed, fun is had, and everyone benefits. Likewise, when people create on their own and then share that with others, the same chain reaction of dialogue, togetherness, and positivity occurs.
Be sure to check out the front-page article which reveals the ways in which our local non-profit art gallery, the Seacoast Artist Gallery and Guild, contributes to our community.
We hope the Insider inspires you to get your own creative juices flowing this month. You never know whose life you might inspire by your own pursuits.

– Jim Parker
Editor-in-chief and co-owner of Properties at the Market Common