A message from the Editor
Our April edition is a milestone edition for us at the Insider in many ways. It represents Market Common Community.
We’d like to thank our advertisers and our readers for the positive comments we’ve received about the Insider over the past ten months, and for your tangible backing and appreciation of what we, at the Insider do. We are grateful to be able to help our advertisers build their businesses, and recommend what you offer to our community. 70% of our advertisers commit with us under long-term 6-12 month contracts. Thank you for placing your trust in us. We will continue to serve you, as well as our reader, to the best of our ability. It’s been a financial commitment for us to take it to the level that we did, but we keep hearing from our advertisers that they’re getting results, and that’s a rewarding, exciting thing for us to hear.
With this edition, we conclude our narrative chronicles of the History of the Market Common with Col. Buddy Styers. We’d like to offer our thanks to him for sharing his stories with all of us for the past eight months, and helping all of us to grow in appreciation for the work that he, his board, and so many were a part of to make the vision of Market Common the beautiful reality that it is today. We’ve received a lot of enthusiasm about this section of our paper, the Redevelopment Years of the Market Common, and the events that have taken place in this area in the past twenty years. Buddy has played such a big part, and we at the Insider are grateful that those visiting and who have moved here recently from other areas, can learn about our history through us. Thank you Buddy, for your time with this project, and your continued commitment to community. Stay close, we’re just down the end of the street from you!

– Jim Parker
Editor-in-chief and co-owner of Properties at the Market Common